Title: Fatlum pnishi
Type: Admission Essay
Theme: Fatlumi ma i miri
Author: Sahide gashi
School: Pjeter bugdani
Class: 8
Title: Botanistet
Type: Admission Essay
Theme: Per botanistet
Author: Sahide gashi
School: Pjeter bugdani
Class: 8
Title: A jane te kulturuar te rinjte shqipetar?
Type: Ese argumentuese
Theme: Kultura ne ditet e sotme!
Author: Geraldo Xhina
School: Isa Boletini
Class: 10-E
Title: If you could be another person for 24 hours, whom would you choose and why?
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: If you could be another person for 24 hours, whom would you choose and why?
Author: Kavan Herbert
Class: 7
Title: FriendðŸ˜ðŸ˜ž
Type: Letter/Email to a friend
Theme: My friend is a witch
Author: Harley Harley
School: High school musical 'Brittney"
Class: VI-a
Title: Britain on the eye of the Beholders
Type: Other
Theme: Travell Diary
Author: Olta Totoni
School: UT
Class: Scholar
Title: lovequotes
Type: Cause & Effect Essay
Theme: e
Author: GENTA
School: haxhizeka
Class: IX
Title: superman
Type: Admission Essay
Theme: superman
Author: superman
School: rems
Class: 10
Title: physics
Type: Informal Essay
Theme: science
Author: Enxhi Disha
School: misto mame
Class: 8a
Title: Great happiness is to do good to another
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: Great happiness is to do good to another
Author: rugen dokaj
School: effata
Class: 7
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