Title: Fatlum pnishi
Type: Admission Essay, Theme: Fatlumi ma i miri
Kjo dite shum e buket kjo dit shum e mir po na ftohet zemra po na gzohet shpirti po na vjen princi po na i vjen ma i miri
Title: Botanistet
Type: Admission Essay, Theme: Per botanistet
Text: Shifni te voglin fatlum edhe yllka me vemendje mesojnë ne pyll botanike manashushaqet as burbuqet nuk dishirojn dredhza te embla dredhza te kuqe po kerkoj kur qe lepur frikacaku bash ne ate an lloj vrap e pa pik gjaku mos t'a ncajm sa budalla qe je o lep...
Title: A jane te kulturuar te rinjte shqipetar?
Type: Ese argumentuese, Theme: Kultura ne ditet e sotme!
Text: Nje pyetje qe sigurisht le vend per diskutim.Duke bazuar ne opinion personal,them se po,te rinjte shqipetar jane te kulturuar,dhe cka them vertetohet me se miri nga vete ata.Rastet kur te rinjte e sotem kane shpalosur edukaten e tyre jane te pafundme.Rast...
Title: If you could be another person for 24 hours, whom would you choose and why?
Type: Argumentative Essay, Theme: If you could be another person for 24 hours, whom would you choose and why?
Text: "Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." This quote of Einstein has made me understand that it's true that everyone is a genius in their own way. However, I've...
Title: Friend😭😞
Type: Letter/Email to a friend, Theme: My friend is a witch
Text: Hello to everyone! I'm from Albania and I want to tell you a secret that I have for my friend or more exactly my ex-close friend this year we became close friends but she put the knife behind my back and no longer tells me when she was fighting the other ...
Title: Britain on the eye of the Beholders
Type: Other, Theme: Travell Diary
Greetings from foggy Britain! The sky is gray and the air is fresh. The British flag waves up in the sky freely. It seems to conquer the sky. The city is busy and you can notice the hustle and bustle of the city life. People of different ethnicities t...
Title: lovequotes
Type: Cause & Effect Essay, Theme: e
Text: Each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow......Without you im nothing.With you im Something. Together we're Everything.....No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will do. I will alway...