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ID: 117
Posted on: 2013-04-07 03:02:54
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Title: Beauty and Ugliness
Type: Comparison Essay
Theme: Beauty and Ugliness
Author: Dorina.D
School: Art Institute of Philadelphia
Class: 1 Year
City: Philadelphia
E-mail: dorina-pogradec@hotmail.com
Text The beauty concept, as perceived by the human from the very nature of his being,
is linked to good things like being perfect, unique and having hundred of qualities.
That’s why the concept of ugliness it is shown as the opposite of the beauty; however,
both concepts go beyond a simple description of opposite elements.
I believe that beauty exist in two ways; beauty as an artistic form and beauty as an
theme. The first relates to the way it runs and how beauty is assimilated. For example,
a work made by an artist with great skills who is keeping proportions and features
that are perfectly made, can be considered beautiful regardless of the theme being used.
It can be either the representation of a beautiful nymph in the middle of a forest full
of trees and fruits, as well as the representation of dark and gloomy in the middle
of the forest where some kind of devil creatures live. Both works can be consider
beautiful if well executed. So, the representation of the topics that the mind and the
culture of human beings relates as something good even if it has a poor performance,
will remain a beautiful theme only because has to do with emotions and good feelings.
Similarly, ugliness can be seen in different points of view. Usually, ugliness is related
to dark themes like; sadness, horror, deformations and all the things humanity can fear.
Ugliness has to do with all that we can’t be and we strongly degenerate, in the same
way as the old age and disease are associated and all the body deformations that
our mind can imagine.
Furthermore, the ugliness is also related to the bad and that’s why
it is related to evil and demonic themes even when the work or representation
is very well executed.
Both concepts are linked to the time and the culture in which are being
analyzed. For example, the beauty of a women in a certain culture
can be considered as an example of ugliness in other cultures. The beauty
proportions greatly vary with both concepts, so we have to think before
we can strongly say something is beautiful or ugly.
The principles of ugliness has been developed in a special way. Now those
culture values changed because at a certain time were prohibited, not good
and ugly.
Therefore in another time or in another culture, might start to cause admiration even
though beauty and ugliness are two concepts that depends on different
point of views, both social and individual and that change according
to the time and the habits each culture have.