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ID: 128
Posted on: 2013-04-27 20:04:18
Hits: 23871

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Title: The Causes and Effects of Poverty

Type: Cause & Effect Essay
Theme: The Causes and Effects of Poverty
Author: Dorina.D
School: Art Institute of Philadelphia
Class: 1 Year
City: Philadelphia

Poverty is one of the most common social circumstances within a society. This term means the economic situation in which people have insufficient incomes to enter the minimum levels of medical care, food, housing, clothing and education. However, in some cases these people have state aid that gives assistance in some of the aspects above.

Some of the causes that enable poverty in a society are those:

The continued lack of income, which is very common at the villages near mountains areas. People who live in this sector does not have a stable job and therefore have less money to live. Most of the time they stay home and create stuff made by hands, but this does not help to much in income increment. Also, in these mountainous areas the cold and not sustainable weather affect those people in their low economic income.

Becoming elderly and not having the family support make some people to end up in these difficult and unfavorable situations and lead them to live in poor areas that are very dangerous.

The violence suffered from some of these individuals make them to take refuge in desolate places because they have lost all their comforts and tranquility.

But, as every problem that society suffers, poverty has also some effects on people who support living in these circumstances,
which are:

Weak demands made by the consumers against the state, for example; medical health plan, education and housing for people with low incomes.

Discrimination and abuse by other persons who consider these people inferior and a nuisance to society.

In my conclusion it is very obvious that nowadays there are many people who are affected by poverty and other people who does not enter this category do not care about this fact.
Anyway,the happiness and the dignity of poor people is not lost. They always show a smile and are more friendly than others.

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Full name: Ross Robert
Comment: Perfectly written! Continue this way <img src="/images/smilies/emo3.png" border="0" title=":)" />Perfectly written! Continue this way

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