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ID: 124
Posted on: 2013-04-08 17:37:32
Hits: 6877

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Title: Success

Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: Success
Author: Dorina.D
School: Art Institute of Philadelphia
Class: 1 Year
City: Philadelphia

I believe success is not money. A person is not successful because is doing well in business or
doing well professionally. I think this is not very important. What really is important is our
family and our friends. We have to appreciate the things that have real value, not to look
only material or physical necessity. One time my grandmother told me what success
mean. I will never forget her words. She told me that success has nothing to do with what
most of the people imagine. It is not about the titles you have, the inherited blood or the school
you have studied. It is not about the size of your house or how many cars you have on your garage.
It is not if you are famous or you are a boss. It has nothing to do with the power you have, if you
are a president, or if you talk nice. It is not about the technology you use. It is not about
the clothes your wear or the printing you have on it, or if after your name you put some
dazzling acronyms that defines your social status. It is not about if you are an entrepreneur,
you speak several languages, or if your are attractive or not. The success is about how many
people smile at you, how many people loves you, and how many people admire your sincerity
and simplicity of your spirit. It is about what memories you left after you died. It is about how
many people you helped and how you can avoid hurting people. It is about that your triumphs
are included on your dreams and your achievements will not hurt anyone. It is about your
inclusion with others not controlling them. It is about if you used your head as much as your
heart. If you were selfish or generous, if you loved nature and children, and if you cared
for the elderly. It is about your goodness, your desire to live, your ability to listen,
your values and your behavior. It is not about how many followed you, but how many
really loved you. It is not about to transmit, but how many believe if you are happy or you
just pretend to be.
The success is the balance of justice that leads on what you have and in your well being.
It is your conscience, your undefeated dignity, and your desire to be more, not having more.

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Full name: Dorina.D
Comment: #Engjell flm <img src="/images/smilies/emo3.png" border="0" title=":)" /> mbq qe je nga pogradeci edhe ti <img src="/images/smilies/emo9.png" border="0" title=":P" /> #Kloe flm <img src="/images/smilies/emo3.png" border="0" title=":)" /> ne fakt kjo ese eshte edhe ne shqip por tek literary ne shqip, kurse ketu duhej ne anglisht prandaj ;)#Engjell flm mbq qe je nga pogradeci edhe ti #Kloe flm ne fakt kjo ese eshte edhe ne shqip por tek literary ne shqip, kurse ketu duhej ne anglisht prandaj ;)

Full name: Engjell
Comment: Shume bukur edhe une jam nga Pogradeci<img src="/images/smilies/emo2.png" border="0" title=":D" />Shume bukur edhe une jam nga Pogradeci

Full name: kloi
Comment: Shum bukur!!! Vetem se je shqiptare<img src="/images/smilies/emo9.png" border="0" title=":P" /><img src="/images/smilies/emo9.png" border="0" title=":P" /> esht me bukur te shkruash shqip Shum bukur!!! Vetem se je shqiptare esht me bukur te shkruash shqip

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