Title: You are the secretary of the Ethics Society of your school. The editor of the school magazine has asked you to write an article for the magazine on the issue of declining ethics among students and way
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: You are the secretary of the Ethics Society of your school. The editor of the school magazine has asked you to write an article for the magazine on the issue of declining ethics among students and ways to reverse that.
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
Title: The effects of War on Human Societies
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: The effects of War on Human Societies
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
Title: You are taking part in an oratorical contest. The topic you have chosen is Women are increasingly becoming victims of fashion.
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: You are taking part in an oratorical contest. The topic you have chosen is Women are increasingly becoming victims of fashion.
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
Title: You are a member of the school debating team which opposes the motion that 'Hand phones should be allowed in schools'.
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: You are a member of the school debating team which opposes the motion that 'Hand phones should be allowed in schools'.
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
Title: 'Science can never provide a final answer or things, it is only a way of studying them' Do you agree?
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: 'Science can never provide a final answer or things, it is only a way of studying them' Do you agree?
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
Title: Grandma
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: Grandma
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
Title: Visiting a durian orchard
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: Visiting a durian orchard
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
Title: Water supply disruption
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: Water supply disruption
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
Title: Power failure
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: Power failure
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
Title: A visit to the market
Type: Argumentative Essay
Theme: A visit to the market
Author: The author is hidden!
School: Saunders Secondary School
Class: -
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